English-English MCQ Question -English Fill in the blanks Set/2 Sample Test,Sample questions

 In spite of the _____ weather of the place, the idyllic surroundings attract many a tourist to this beautiful resort.
(A) inclement
(B) balmy
(C) salubrious
(D) parlous
(E) hostile
(F) rugged

1.A and D

2.A and E

3.C and D

4. D and E

 It is surprising to note that his latest publication has attracted very little public attention because generally his writings are prone to _____.
(A) fracas
(B) denials
(C) tributes
(D) defects
(E) controversies
(F) disputation

1. A and D

2.A and B

3. C and D

4.A and E

 Jane was a hard core feminist and a/an _____ campaigner for women's issues.
(A) indefatigable
(B) relentless
(C) irregular
(D) indifferent
(E) sluggish
(F) fallacious

1.A and B

2.B and D

3. C and F

4.E and F

 Jobs in call centers are highly _____ leading to alarming consequences like hypertension, insomnia, coronary malfunctions among the young employees.
(A) stressful
(B) laborious
(C) taxing
(D) dangerous
(E) vexatious
(F) distressing

1.A and C

2.B and D

3.D and E

4.E and F

 The decorations in the house spoke of her exquisite taste and _____.
(A) crudeness
(B) discernment
(C) acumen
(D) prudence
(E) judiciousness
(F) pragmatism

1.A and D

2.B and C

3.B and F

4.C and E

A person should be _____ for what he is and not for what community or religion he belongs to.
(A) respected
(B) admired
(C) considered
(D) honoured
(E) valued
(F) revered

1.A and E

2.D and E

3.B and C

4.D and F

Being a strong adherent of _____ and modesty he resents any ostentatious display of wealth.
(A) grandeur
(B) thrift
(C) frugality
(D) flamboyance
(E) extravagance
(F) humbleness

1.A and D

2.B and C

3. C and F

4.D and E

Being driven by constant strife and unrest. Iraq is now a picture of gloom and _____.
(A) affluence
(B) commotion
(C) despondency
(D) dispiritedness
(E) frenzy
(F) distrust

1. A and B

2.B and C

3.C and D

4. E and F

Communities should be self-reliant but this self-reliance does not mean _____ because the need to trade results in the interdependence of communities.
(A) secrecy
(B) isolation
(C) lankiness
(D) barrenness
(E) seclusion
(F) solitude

1.A and C

2.B and E

3.D and F

4.C and E

For close to 60 years now India and China have viewed each other with _____. but in the past decade there was a marked thaw with both sides deciding not to allow the vexatious border issue to hold up their relationship.
(A) surprise
(B) mistrust
(C) bravura
(D) suspicion
(E) contempt
(F) angst

1.A and C

2.B and E

3.E and F

4.B and D

He reached an agreement with the union through negotiations and thus was able to _____ a possible strike.
(A) prevent
(B) avert
(C) deflect
(D) oppose
(E) confront
(F) revert

1.D and E

2.A and B

3.A and C

4.C and F

His excellent academic credentials suggest that he is ____ the most suitable candidate for the job.
(A) abominably
(B) undoubtedly
(C) lucidly
(D) tenaciously
(E) indubitably
(F) necessarily

1.E and F

2.B and F

3.A and B

4.B and E

Human nature is full of contradictions: there is so much pose in the sincere, baseness in the noble and goodness in the _____.
(A) reprobate
(B) incorrigible
(C) primitive
(D) superficial
(E) unoriginal
(F) Inactive

1.A and B

2.B and C

3.C and D

4.D and E

Indian film studios are now competent enough to produce sophisticated creative content with their technical _____.
(A) capability
(B) affluence
(C) impact
(D) prowess
(E) support
(F) Prowl

1. D and F

2.C and E

3.E and F

4. A and D

Most adults think that children who have behavioural problems can be disciplined with _____ punishment.
(A) corporal
(B) physical
(C) corporeal
(D) verbal
(E) psychological
(F) mild

1.B and E

2.D and F

3.A and C

4.A and B

One is always considered a/an _____ in any foreign country, irrespective of the number of years he has lived there.
(A) amateur
(B) threat
(C) alien
(D) menace
(E) outsider
(F) ally

1.A and F

2.B and D

3.C and E

4.E and F

Overpopulation and exploitation of natural resources is dramatically increasing the vulnerability of modern society to natural _____ such as earthquakes, floods and voicanic eruptions.
(A) disruptions
(B) tumults
(C) disasters
(D) catastrophes
(E) phenomena
(F) upheavals

1.A and F

2.B and C

3.C and D

4. D and B

Secularism on the one hand, can be seen as a positive freedom to hold any or no religious faith and on the other hand, it imposes _____ that prohibits the state from taking certain legal actions.
(A) anathema
(B) taboo
(C) maledictions
(D) limitations
(E) restrictions
(F) censure

1. A and B

2. A and C

3.C and F

4. D and E

Several villages, which were _____ by the deluge, were cut-off from the rest of the civilization.
(A) swamped
(B) marred
(C) submerged
(D) inundated
(E) stranded
(F) marooned

1.A and C

2.D and F

3.C and D

4.B and D

She went ahead with dogged determination, _____by the adversities which came her way and ultimately emerged successful.
(A) over-awed
(B) unintimidated
(C) dismayed
(D) undaunted
(E) unalarmed
(F) incapacitated

1.A and C

2.B and C

3.E and F

4.B and C

Some writers believe that poetry can bring about _____ changes in a person's way of thinking and behaviour as does a well-reasoned social or political treatise.
(A) radical
(B) extrimsic
(C) moderate
(D) acquired
(E) fundamental
(F) natural

1.B and C

2. A and B

3.C and E

4.D and F

Terrorism and the victimization it causes violate human rights and established norms of human dignity and personal security that is mandatory for _____ existence in any society.
(A) luxurious
(B) sophisticated
(C) harmonious
(D) peaceful
(E) amicable
(F) comfortable

1.C and E

2.F and E

3.B and c

4.C and D

The bank readily accepted to provide him assistance in the form of _____.
(A) subsidies
(B) stakes
(C) alimony
(D) wherewithal
(E) assets
(F) sustenance

1.A and D

2.B and C

3. A and F

4. A and B

The desire for _____ is one of the most deeply related instincts of a civilized man.
(A) revilement
(B) euphoria
(C) euphony
(D) approval
(E) approbation
(F) umbrage

1.A and F

2.B and E

3.D and E

4. C and D

The extraordinary combination of _____ and experience puts him in an eminently advantageous position of being selected as the captain of the team.
(A) originality
(B) rationality
(C) skill
(D) cleverness
(E) expertise
(F) position

1.A and C

2. B and D

3. D and E

4.C and E

The planning and management of natural resources is becoming increasingly complex as the _____ human population places increasing demands on the shrinking resources.
(A) prospering
(B) burgeoning
(C) developing
(D) flourishing
(E) expanding
(F) diverse

1.A and D

2.B and E

3.C and D

4.C and F

The police were forced to open tear gas shells on the _____ mob.
(A) obdurate
(B) docile
(C) recalcitrant
(D) steadfast
(E) dogged
(F) languid

1.A and E

2. C and E

3.A and C

4.B and C

The rioters acts of _____ and vandalism were strongly condemned by all political parties.
(A) brutality
(B) incendiarism
(C) arson
(D) delinquency
(E) cruelty
(F) barbarism

1.A and F

2.A and E

3.B and C

4.D and E

We were so _____ after the arduous journey that we were ready to devour anything we could lay our hands on.
(A) famished
(B) hungry
(C) ravenous
(D) greedy
(E) voracious
(F) avaricious

1.A and B

2. B and E

3. A and C

4. B and D

____ under the scourge of violence and militancy for the past 18 years, Jammu and Kashmir has endured widespread death and destruction.
(A) Roiling
(B) Reeling
(C) Shaking
(D) Venting
(E) Erupting
(F) Reeking

1.A and B

2.B and E

3.E and F

4.C and E


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